Explosions in Lebanon kill fighters and a girl

4 days ago

Explosions in Lebanon kill fighters and a girl

Two fighters and a girl died in Lebanon. They had small machines that help people talk to each other. These machines exploded. The fighters were from a group called Hezbollah. This group gets help from Iran. The explosions happened in Beirut and other places in Lebanon. A camera showed a man at a store when his machine exploded in his pocket. Hezbollah is trying to find out why this happened. They did not say Israel did it. But Israel and Hezbollah have been fighting since last year.

Many people got hurt in the explosions. The Iran person in Lebanon was one of them. After the explosions, Israel said they want to make sure people can go back to their homes safely. They have been fighting Hezbollah. Israel's leader said they will keep working to make this happen. An Israel army person said they might need to fight more to do this. Israel has said before they might use their army against Hezbollah.

Many people have died because of the fighting. Most of them were from Hezbollah. On the Israel side, some people and army people have died too. The fighting started last October. Hezbollah says they are fighting for a group called Hamas. Both groups get help from Iran. Israel and some other countries say these groups are bad.